Basics of cooking Fonio
First !! 3 Easy steps to clean Fonio before cooking

That is if your FONIO is dry and not of the PRE-COOCKED type.
If your FONIO is of the PRE-COOCKED type, it is unnecessary.
If you have no intension to immediately cook your Fonio. You can also dry it on a frying pan or in oven, make sure to keep steering it whiles drying.
You can store it in the fridge for 2 months
The Ingredients To Cook The FONIO Grains
Preparation of Fonio
- Heat the olive oil in a pot. Add the Fonio and mix. Add the salt and mix for a few seconds.
- Add the boiling water, cover and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and cook for another 10 minutes or until the water is absorbed and the Fonio grains open.
- Remove from the fire and separate the Fonio grains with a fork, for ventilation.
- Wipe to dry the inside of the lid, cover and wait for 5 minutes.