Fonio is a gluten free cereal, recommended for Celiac patients. Super grain with very high nutritional values, a rich source of iron, potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc.

What is Fonio?

Due to its gluten-free nature, Fonio is a great substitute for Celiac patients with gluten sensitivity conditions, that can harm the lining of the small intestine and impair nutritional absorption.

Fonio wins Quinoa, Teff and Oats in values of iron, magnesium, zinc, methionine and cysteine.


Arieli Limited is an agricultural company incorporated in Ghana under the Companies Act,2019 (Act 992) with mandate to engage in farming, agro-processing, agricultural mechanization, and agribusiness. The company’s agronomic model focuses on use of organic materials to produce crops in environmentally sustainable manner while limiting use of chemicals which may undermine the environment.


ARIELI LIMITED seeks to produce the highest quality of …


To be the most preferred producer and exporter of …

Strategic Goal

To become the leading organic fonio producer in Ghana…

Core Values

Being ethically uncompromising and matching our…

Fonio has the potential to improve people’s health while transforming the livelihood and ecosystems of communities in West Africa.